Saturday, June 26, 2010

John Singer Sargent study

Another reproduction. Sketched this out today from a Sargent painting:
Then colored the scan in Photoshop:

Link to the Sargent painting of a Spanish dancer.

I put the sketch layer on Multiply, so it kept all the original lines of the sketch, which doesn't look so great on the arm areas. The whole thing could use another hour to really be brought together, but it's time for bed.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jury Duty sketching

Thankfully they didn't need me in court. Color done in Photoshop because I need to practice that too.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Summertime Sketching

About to get back into drawing again. Did a 2D piece recently that in no way used a computer, and it was a bit freaky. There's so much out there that inspires, but I don't want to get too wrapped up in appreciating when there's lots more creating to be done. Here are some recent entries from the sketchbook that I colored a bit in Photoshop:

Big Cat Diaries! Because my TV is closer to me than the Zoo or the Wild Animal Park at the ends of town.

Michael Mann and Will Smith's Ali. "The Champ is Here!"
Abandoned idea for a recent Red Dead Redemption piece. For those who know the game, the idea for this was to make a drawing of the night Jack was conceived. Dutch would be glaring at John and Abigail, who share a moment as she fills his glass. Bill Williamson and Javier Escuela are joking around to the side, in their own little stupor. I think the best layout is the one penned out in the bottom left. I liked the concept for this a lot, so maybe I'll come back to it.

Hearts and Minds, from the Bodies exhibit in San Diego last year:
Pedestrians during a Chinese New Year celebration, 1997. Camcorder in the man's hands.:

Self-Portrait from last week, looking busted. 
Normally I look a little more like this (pic via The 8-Bit Cubist):
Looks like the cover of a DJ duo's album...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Red Dead Redemption nod from Jonny Greenwood of Radiohead


It's great to see so many blog posts, tweets, texts, Facebook status updates, etc. out there about people enjoying RDR. I recently finished the single player campaign, and now I need to keep chipping away until I get 100% of the achievements in it.

I've made no secret of my Radiohead fandom, and I've seen Body Song multiple times and thoroughly enjoyed Greenwood's soundtrack for it. That post of his reminds me: I need to do the final pass on my latest Thom Yorke portrait.